Saturday, September 7, 2013

BEEutiful Peace

Create that peaceful spot

Beautiful Bee and Butterfly Garden

Beautiful garden peace and the buzz and flight of bees and butterflies

There is no better peace than in the garden. To be with nature, hands in the dirt, nurturing the garden, the wind and sun caressing your face. I find my true spirit here in my garden space. Small and wonderful, with my collection of beautiful greenery, potted trees and flower, and of course my most valued Carnivorous plants, their unique ability of doing their part in balancing of nature, colorful and enticing to insects, they aid in the control of ants and other pests that plague our small space gardens.

Today, the sun dapples into my garden, just after a torrential rainfall, I can almost see the garden flourish in the new day of sunshine, I smile and feel at peace.

I recently moved to a place where there is a butterfly garden, that the bees also love. It is quite a sight to see how this perfect combination of seeds, or bedding plants can bring so much activity to the garden. The sound of buzzing and the gentle flight of the butterfly is an inspiration to anyone who is blessed enough to see this beautiful little pollinators garden. Next seasons I will do more to do my part in creating a safe, healthy haven for our butterflies and bees. My small part in providing protection to these amazing little creatures of our earth.

My totem, the bee, my little hardworking friends needs our love and protection. 
Plant a butterfly garden and bee well ~ Create your peaceful space ~